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Did you know that there are over 43 different savings initiatives that take place in the travel procurement process?  Simply put, you can’t create an effective travel program that will cut your spend up to 50% without the help of an expert.  Your own TSI strategic global consultant is armed with technology that reviews all 43 of these initiatives prior to purchasing, ensuring that your travelers are getting the best service at the lowest cost.


We begin each relationship by reviewing our customer’s current travel program. We make recommendations for saving enhancements, negotiate supplier discounts and implement policies for greater control of travel and entertainment expenses.




Strategic Consulting



We also provide consulting services to assist in the development and ongoing optimization of every aspect of your managed travel program including:


• Development – Benchmarking and Evaluation of your corporate travel policies
• Program benchmarking including average fares and supplier contracts
• Analysis of  purchasing patterns to identify trends and areas of opportunity
• Implementation of new technologies to increase efficiencies and drive incremental savings




Superb Management



In addition, our account management team is continually identifying opportunities that will further enhance service levels and increase savings including:


• Ensure that your corporate travel program goals align with current corporate goals
• Assess operational processes and efficiencies
• Advise best travel procurement practices
• Create a strategic plan to achieve goals
• Source supplier contracts
• Compare technology solutions
• Create an online adoption plan to optimize fee savings
• Monitor customer service programs
• Benchmark services and savings
• Manage contract obligations ensuring contracted goals are being achieved
• Provide an up-to-date, on-going  ROI of your program performance


Our goal is to help you optimize savings and coordinate all program components in a way that is consistent with your values and corporate culture.